


联系方式 sijia.chen@crl.com

招聘岗位及人数:检测技术员-寄生虫组 /解剖组/血清组(5名)
         1) 遵守公司规章制度、执行CNAS及动物福利的要求;
         2) 常见实验动物的大体剖检及寄生虫检测;
         3) 啮齿类动物细菌学、血清学和PCR检测样品的采集;
         4) 啮齿类实验动物细菌分离鉴定;
         5) 负责动物和其他样品的接收和存放;
         6) 实验动物安乐死;
         7) 配制相关试剂、明确标签和储存条件要求和仪器设备的使用;
         8) 及时、准确和清楚的进行实验检测及数据记录。
         9) 实验室常用试剂的配制与仪器操作。
        10) 完成上级交给的其他任务。

        1) 兽医学、动物医学/科学、微生物学、生物学、食品等相关专业本科及以上学历,应届生或有一两年工作经验亦可
        2) 熟练使用 Microsoft Word、Excel、 PowerPoint和其它必要的计算机操作技能
        3) 优秀的团队精神和良好的沟通能力
        4) 细致认真,积极主动,工作原则性强,责任心强。

                   1) 薪资:基本工资:5000-7000元/月;交通补贴,年终奖。
                   2) 福利:免费午餐,带薪病假,带薪年假,福利体检
                   3) 公司不定期举办的团建活动或其他活动。

  北京维通利华实验动物技术有限公司是Charles River Laboratories的在华合资企业,也是一家集动物生产、研发和服务于一身的高新技术企业。公司有建筑面积36,000m2的生产设施,年产符合SPF/VAF标准的啮齿类实验动物400余万只,涵盖40多个品系,遗传背景清晰,是客户长期选择的实验动物生产供应商。


  Charles River Laboratories成立于1947年,总部位于美国马萨诸塞州威明顿,目前在世界18个国家建立了70个分支机构,员工人数12,000名,实验动物供应量占50%。作为一家上市公司,Charles River Laboratories致力于为制药企业、生物技术公司、政府机构及科研院所提供产品及服务,加速其研究和药物发展进程。

  更多信息请登录 www.vitalriver.com

About Charles River

  Charles River is an early-stage contract research organization (CRO). We have built upon our foundation of laboratory animal medicine and science to develop a diverse portfolio of discovery and safety assessment services, both Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and non-GLP, to support clients from target identification through preclinical development. Charles River also provides a suite of products and services to support our clients’ clinical laboratory testing needs and manufacturing activities. Utilizing this broad portfolio of products and services enables our clients to create a more flexible drug development model, which reduces their costs, enhances their productivity and effectiveness to increase speed to market.

  With over 11,000 employees within 70 facilities in 18 countries around the globe, we are strategically positioned to coordinate worldwide resources and apply multidisciplinary perspectives in resolving our client’s unique challenges. Our client base includes global pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology companies, government agencies and hospitals and academic institutions around the world. And in 2016, revenue increased by 23.3% to $1.68 billion from $1.36 billion in 2015.

  At Charles River, we are passionate about our role in improving the quality of people’s lives. Our mission, our excellent science and our strong sense of purpose guide us in all that we do, and we approach each day with the knowledge that our work helps to improve the health and well-being of many across the globe. We have proudly supported the development of ~70% of the drugs approved by the FDA in 2016.

  For more information, please visit www.criver.com.